Senin, Desember 23, 2013

The Difficulties in Learn English

The Difficulties in Learn English 

Problems in Learning English and ways to Improve Them 

I first learned English in elementary school or junior high school was a bit forgotten. but in my early learning English was practically very difficult because English is not our everyday language used. not so easy for me to learn English. I tried to like it little by little began to be but when I found the vocabulary difficult to understand or understood the nature lazy and do not want to learn arises because in learning English vocabulary words each having a different meaning or significance that makes me not want to learn the English name.
  After high school I met again with the English name is where I start to like it again trying to understand the meaning and the meaning of each vocabulary word slowly by slowly I began to be but it was just

  Difficulties in the English language that I think in terms of how to talk, listen and to understand, interpret and understand the vocabulary practically very difficult. but it's never too late to learn.

Of course, with us learning a language must relate to :
learn vocabulary in the language ( Vocabulary )
manner of writing sentences of the language ( grammar , tenses )
reading , listening and rewriting the language ( Reading , Listening and Writing )
direct conversation ( Conversation )
and I think that the difficulty in learning the English language is in a sentence syntax ( grammar , tenses ) and direct conversational English Listening ( Listening ) .

grammar same sense as EYD ( Spelling Enhanced ) in Indonesian is studying the rules of good writing and true . in grammar , the words are divided into 8 groups . namely :
1 . Noun (noun )
2 . Pronoun ( pronoun )
3 . Adjective ( adjective)
4 . Verb (verb )
5 . Adverb ( adverb )
6 . Preposition ( preposition )
7 . Conjunction ( conjunctive )
8 . INTERJECTION ( interjection )

tenses is a form of the verb grammar that shows the time occurrence of an act or event and its completion stage .
In English tenses are classified into 16 , each of which has different uses and different functions .

listen to live conversations in a foreign language was a bit difficult for me , tuh other terms such as ‘ ethnic Javanese ‘ meeting ‘ Batak tribe ‘ and between the tribes and the other one will not understand the language or communicating with each other if one of the tribes that no one wants to learn the language of another tribe or mutual learning – teaching . of course, with the unifying language or primary language is Indonesian .
difficulties in language learning can we skip if emng why we ‘ve got used to, because I think that language is practice .



Complaint letters and reply letter

Ayun MCA, S.Pd.
Bogor, Jawa Barat
July 11th 2013
Ega Dwiatmojo, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Wijanarko Study Guidance Institute
Budi agung
Bogor, Jawa Barat

Dear Mr. Wijanarko
On July 5th 2013 I had signed up the program of your Institute that was offered to my school. I also had given a registration fee for fulfilling the regulations. After that, I waited the result of registration in your company website for a week. Unfortunately, the result that I want was not enclosed there. Besides, last acceptance was two days ago. It means that I am not accepted, but I had given a registration fee for the program.

To resolve my problem, please give me an explanation why this problem occurred. In addition, please give my money back immediately.

I look forward to your reply and resolution of my problem. I will wait three days before contacting my Attorney general. Please contact me at the above address or telephone number.


Ayun MCA, S.Pd.


Ega Dwiatmojo, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Bogor, Jawa barat
July 12th 2013
Ayun MCA, S.Pd.
Bogor Senior High School
Sukadamai Street 13
Bogor, Jawa barat
Dear Mr. Ayun
Thank you for taking time to contact my company to explain the problem you have recently. We regret any inconvenience you have experienced, and we assure you that we are anxious to retain you as a satisfied customer. We also note your feedback on availability of information regarding our products and services as well as the service levels.
In this case I would like to explain you why you got the problem. After doing some action, we found that the system of our company website was in trouble. Therefore, your data was not displayed when you imported them. To show our responsibility, we will give your money back.
Once again, please accept our sincere apologies and we look forward to serve you. If you need further assistance, you may contact us at or at the above address.
At the conclusion of our investigation, we will contact you about our findings. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to assist you.
Best Regards.
Ega Dwiatmojo, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Sales Manager
Wijanarko Study Guidance Institute

sumber :

Senin, November 04, 2013

Reply Order

Toko Englots
11 Main Street
Kebon Pedes, Bogor
ZIP CODE 16162

Attention :
Mr. Aubin Caesar

Dear Mr. Aubin Caesar :

Please accept this purchase order for the following :

 No.              Product  Quantity  Unit Price  Total
 1  external harddrive  1  $ 3,000  $ 12,000
 2  Flashdisk  2  $ 2,000  $  8,000
 Total  $ 20,000

We require shipment by November 05, 2013 to :

PT PemulaDN
No. 1 Jl. Citereup,
Bogor, Indonesia

Post Code 16162

Please refer to this order as "purchase order # SS01234. Should you need more information, please contact me at 08567715400 at your earliest convenience or email me at


Ayun Muhammad
Purchasing Manager

Sumber :

Minggu, November 03, 2013

Past Tense

-    Cerita  1
Yesterday I talked to someone. I talked to her in the class. We spoke about new student in my school. She was very smart, but arrogant and all of students in my class didn't like her. But, day by day she changed kind and she was the best in the class. She was beautiful girl. After that I gave her a gift. She was very happy.

-    Cerita 2

Yesterday I talked to someone. I met him in Japan. There I saw many famous people that I like. And I went to the city. In the city I went to bookstore. In the bookstore I extracted. I bought some books. After that I went home. And then I slept but I met Yuki Asuna in my sweet dream.

-    Cerita 3

Yesterday I talked to someone. I talked if I could fly. I wanted to fly with Superman. And he came from England. After that I went to my own house. In my own house we studied about flying. After we studied we met Superman. We saw Superman reading a newspaper. But the newspaper was very boring. So we flew together in the sky and gave some candies for children that happy of the day.

-    Cerita 4

I spent 5 days in my hometown Tasik during Idul Fitri. I left Bogor on Sunday and came back on Friday afternoon. I visited my family members, like my uncle, aunt and cousins in Tasik They were happy to welcome me. We ate some food like opor ayam and ketupat.

Yesterday I talked to someone. I talked to her in the class. We spoke about new student in my school. She was very smart, but arrogant and all of students in my class didn't like her. But, day by day she changed kind and she was the best in the class. She was beautiful girl. After that I gave her a gift. She was very happy.

Read more at:
Copyright - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online di yuk! Klik aja Under Common Share Alike Atribution
Yesterday I talked to someone. I talked to her in the class. We spoke about new student in my school. She was very smart, but arrogant and all of students in my class didn't like her. But, day by day she changed kind and she was the best in the class. She was beautiful girl. After that I gave her a gift. She was very happy

Read more at:
Copyright - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online di yuk! Klik aja Under Common Share Alike Atribution
Yesterday I talked to someone. I talked to her in the class. We spoke about new student in my school. She was very smart, but arrogant and all of students in my class didn't like her. But, day by day she changed kind and she was the best in the class. She was beautiful girl. After that I gave her a gift. She was very happy.

Read more at:
Copyright - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online di yuk! Klik aja Under Common Share Alike Atribution

Selasa, Oktober 08, 2013


Pada Awalnya, Dunia ini kosong. Kegelapan dan Cahaya terbentuk dari kekosongan.  Yang tersisa hanya daratan kematian setelah kehancuran dunia.
Malkuth mengambil sesuatu dari lautan api dan melemparkannya ke angkasa. Benda itu memenuhi langit dan yang terbesar di antara mereka menjadi Matahari yang tidak pernah berhenti bersinar. Kemudian, Yesod membuat mata air yang memadamkan api berkobar  dan membanjiri dunia. Lalu Hod membuat benua menggunakan tanah. Dean membangun Pilar Logam. Kemudian Tipareth menanam tanaman di atas tanah, bentuk dunia ini mulai terlihat.
Ketika dunia pertama kali diciptakan semua orang hidup berlimpah dan damai di bawah bantuan Elim.

Kekacauan terjadi saat Balie dilahirkan. Balie dilahirkan dari bayangan Elim.
Kehancuran Metatron muncul dari bayangan Elim Pemimpin Kettere.
Raziel sang Kelicikan dari Hokma sang Bijak,
Sakiel sang Peperangan dari Vinagh sang Pelindung,
Zadkiel sang Keganasan dari Hesed sang Pengampun,
Samael Penghukum dari Dean Kekuatan,
Zikael Pendendam dari Tiphareth Kecantikan,
Hanaiel Kesialan dari Neza Keberuntungan,
Lanael Kegelapan dari Hod Wibawa,
Galadriel Kekacauan dari Yesod Pengatur,
Sandalpon Penghancur dari Malkuth Pencipta.
Balie dibangkitkan dan mulai menghancurkan dunia. Penyakit, kelaparan, dan peperangan disebar dari mereka.
Ketika semua itu terjadi, Sandalpon menculik Malkuth dan dibawa ke guanya. Malkuth muda, baru saja dibangkitkan, pergi mencari leluhurnya di gua Sandalpon.
Ketika Malkuth muda tiba di tempat tinggal milik Sandalpon, Malkuth telah mati sebelumnya. Dan saat itu Sandalpon muda baru saja berganti kulit. Malkuth muda menanyakan mayat ibunya, tapi Sandalpon menelan mayatnya tanpa menjawab apapun.
Malkuth muda, marah besar, yang kemudian melemparkan bola petir dan perang dimulai! Perang antara Elim dan Balie berlangsung selama 7000 hari dan mereka tidak berhenti sama sekali hingga dunia yang mereka ciptakan telah menjadi rata.
Batas dari Air, Tanah, Besi, Pohon, dan Api lenyap. Langit dan Bumi tidak dapat lagi menahan apapun dan dunia runtuh menjadi retakan tak berujung.
Elim dan Balie terluka parah dan kemudian terjatuh ke dalam jurang ambang kematian.

Saat itu, Elios dengan cepat memegang potongan tanah yang runtuh. Elios memasang empat tiang untuk menahan tanah tersebut dan mengumpulkan semua Elim, Balie, dan mahluk yang sekarat di atasnya.

Saat itulah Shiltz diciptakan!
Elios berkata pada Elim, “Bukalah matamu. Hiduplah seperti dunia yang telah dihidupkan. Tetapi aku tidak mengijinkan perang lagi di tanah ini. Kalian tidak dapat bertemu satu sama lain kembali.”
Oleh karena alasan itu, mereka memilih ras sebagai wakil peperangan mereka. Para Elim memilih ras manusia dan para Balie memilih Para Bale. Bale merupakan mahluk yang tumbuh dari kekacauan. Mereka memiliki tingkat kepandaian yang rendah tapi sangat kuat dan kejam.
Elim dibangkitkan tanpa kehidupan dan kekuatan,  Balie dibuka dari bayangan mereka. Elim menghilang dari dunia dan hanya Balie yang tersisa, dan kepandaian mereka ditinggalkan. Beberapa dari mereka mengulang putaran kematian dan kebangkitan dari tubuh manusia atau tidur tanpa wujud.

Minggu, Oktober 06, 2013

part of business letter and style of business letter

part of business letter and style of business letter

part of business letter

1.    Letter Head (Kop surat)
Kop surat atau kepala surat adalah bagian teratas pada sebuah lembaran surat. Kop surat biasanya terdiri dari nama, alamat, dan logo dari pemilik surat yang bersangkutan. Biasanya logo diletakkan pada bagian latar belakang surat.

2.    Reference/File number (Referensi/Nomor file)
Referensi/Nomor File berguna untuk merujuk pada surat sebelumnya yang terkait dengan surat yang dibuat pada saat ini. Meskipun hal ini tidak diperlukan, menambahkan nomor referensi disarankan dalam banyak kasus.

3.    Date of the letter
Tanggal pembuatan surat harus disebutkan dalam setiap surat. Tanggal surat dapat dituliskan disisi kanan maupun kiri surat, tanggal tersebut dapat ditulis dalam berbagai format. Contoh format penulisan tanggal adalah bulan/hari/tahun, misalkan July 12, 2013.

4. Recepient’s Address (Alamat penerima surat)
Bagian ini berisi nama penerima surat, jabatan, dan nama perusahaan beserta alamatnya. Jika pembuat surat tidak yakin atau tidak mengetahui nama penerima surat yang dituju, pembuat surat dapat langsung menuliskan jabatannya, seperti “Director of Financial”.

5. Attention Line
Attention line digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepada siapa surat itu harus disampaikan, attention line biasanya berisi nama penerima atau departemen tertentu yang akan dituju.

6. Salutation (Salam Pembuka)
Bagian ini berisi cara penulis surat menyapa penerima surat secara formal. Contoh salam pembuka yang biasa digunakan yaitu “Dear Sir”, “Gentlement”, “Dear Sir or Madam”.

7. Subject of The Letter (Perihal)
Perihal membuat penerima surat lebih mudah menemukan maksud dari surat yang diterima, misalnya Apology, Invitation, dan lain sebagainya. Subject of The Letter (Perihal) merupakan bagian optional dari business letter, artinya kita bisa mencantumkannya atau tidak.

8. Body of The Letter (Isi surat)
Tubuh surat/Isi surat merupakan tempat dimana penulis surat menuliskan hal yang ingin disampaikan. Tubuh surat adalah bagian tengah surat, itulah sebabnya disebut tubuh surat. Bagian ini memenuhi tujuan surat, seperti permintaan maaf, ucapan selamat, penerimaan pesanan, keluhan, dan lain sebagainya. Isi surat sebaiknya ditulis dengan efektif dan efisien.

Complimentary Closing (optional)
Bagian ini sebagai penanda bahwa surat anda telah selesai, biasanya diakhiri dengan penulisan “Sincerely”, “Sincerely yours”, “Thank you”, dan lain sebagainya. Catat, Terdapat sebuah koma di akhir penutup dan hanya huruf pertama yang menggunakan huruf kapital. Beri jarak 3-4 baris antara penutup dengan nama, yang nantinya diguankan untuk tempat tanda tangan.

Bagian ini adalah tanda tangan penulis, biasanya menggunakan tinta warna hitam atau biru

11. Enclosures
Jika sebuah surat berisi dokument atau lampiran lain selain surat tersebut, penulis haru menampilakan jumlah lampiran tersebut yaitu dengan menggunakan “Enclosure (jumlah lampiran)”, misalkan “Enclosure (6)”.

12. Postscript
Postscript terletak dua spasi di bawah tanda tangan atau inisial referensi . Merupakan catatan singkat yang ditambahkan ketika mengakhiri sebuah surat. Diletakan pada bagian kiri bawah surat, sebelum bagian CC. Contoh :

- P. S. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illume u feuqiat nulla facilisis.

13. Carbon Copy Natation ( Tembusan Surat )
Bagian ini digunakan untuk menginformasikan kepada penerima surat, bahwa surat tersebut juga dikirimkan kepada pihak yang perlu mengetahui isi surat. CC ditempatkan di kiri bawah surat.

Contoh business letter

1024 Jl. Jend. Soedirman
Bandung 40183 – West Java
Phone 617-256            Cable : Malinco

            Ref. LM/DY                                                                           23rd July, 2013

Miyoshi Trading Company
024-17 Homura Chome

Dear Sirs,


  We are interested in your Key Telephone advertised in Kompas a few days ago. Would you please send us your full details and prices of all Miyoshi products you hold in stock, also details of trade discount and terms of payment.
  If you can quote us your competitive prices, we may place our substantial order with you soon.
  We  look forward to receiving your early reply.

                                                                                                Yours faithfully,
                                                                                    FOR MIYOSHI CORPORATION

                                                                                                   Lucy Mamora
                                                                                                     Chief buyer

style of business letter

1. Full Block Style(Block Format)

   Pada penulisan Full Block style : Business letter biasanya berada pada rata kiri seperti letter head, date, inside address, subject, salutation, body of letter, complementary close, signature atau secara keseluruhan dari format surat berada di posisi rata kiri.

177 Atlantic Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02140
May 04, 2013

Director of Admissions
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusots 02138

Dear Sir,

I am interested in attending Harvard University to study business. Please send me the appropriate application forms and any information you have about the undergraduate business program. I will also need to know the necessary information about TOEFL, requirements because English is not my native language. I look forward to hearing from you .


Hasan Halkali

Hasan Halkali

2. Contoh Business Letter (Modified Block Format)

   Blok dimodifikasi: format ini memiliki bagian-bagian yang tidak diimbangin. teks sejajar di sisi kiri atas. Hanya alamat penulisan, tanggal (di layout rata kiri) dan surat penutupan bergeser ke tengah atau samping kanan kertas.

143 W. Mulberry Street
Dermott, AR 71638-1200
December 7, 2009

Mr. Alex P. Perkla
Homemade Construction
571 S. Pecan Street
Dermott, AR 71638-2225

Dear Mr. Perkla

Thank you for helping to make this year’s Friends and Neighbors
Dinner a success.

The tables and benches your crews built, delivered, and set up were
put to good use. Meals were enjoyed by 376 people who might
otherwise have spent their holiday alone and hungry.

Homemade Construction has a positive reputation in the
community. That reputation is well deserved.


Chuck L. Fosgate, Chair
Friends and Neighbors Dinner


3. Contoh Business Letter (Semi-block Format)

Semi-Blok fromat : Dalam format ini, teks sejajar kiri dan semua paragraf dalam surat itu adalah indentasi Format bentuk pada surat ini pada letter head, date, complementary close, dan signature berada di posisi rata kanan. Di layout tdk rata kanan,tp bs dibilangg rata tengah. Bagian lain pada surat seperti inside address, subject, salutation, body of letter, maupun enclosure jika terdapatnya lampiran surat, berada pada posisi rata kiri.

177 Atlantic Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02140
May 04, 2013

Director of Admissions
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusots 02138

Dear Sir,
              I am interested in attending Harvard University to study business. Please send me the appropriate application forms and any information you have about the undergraduate business program.
              I will also need to know the necessary information about TOEFL, requirements because English is not my native language. I look forward to hearing from you .


Hasan Halkali

Hasan Halkali

4. Business Latter Simplified Style

516 W. Iowa Street
Dermott, AR 71638-2039
(870) 555-0183
December 7, 2013

Mr. Alex P. Perkla
Homemade Construction
571 S. Pecan Street
Dermott, AR 71638-2225

Holiday Gratitude

Thank you for helping to make this year’s Friends and Neighbors Dinner a

The tables and benches your crews built, delivered, and set up were put to
good use. Meals were enjoyed by 376 people who might otherwise have spent
their holiday alone and hungry.

Homemade Construction has a positive reputation in the community. That
reputation is well deserved.

Chuck L. Fosgate, Chair



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